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Thursday, March 30, 2006

hello!nobody's blogging again.sigh.hahaha nvm ARE U GUYS HAVING FUN DURING MUSIC LESSON PLAYING THE CHA CHA CHA rythm??HAHA there's the 2 sticks thingy where u clang them tgt and count PINEAPPLE PINEAPPLE APPLE.*breathe* ONETWO.pineapple pineapple apple *breathe* ONETWO.LOL and there's the drum which im playing thats like uhh right clap left clap.aiya forget already la.ANYWAY HAVE FUN TMR! and happy bday to our dear school!cheerios!


P.S.im digging my whole house out just to find the stupid digital camera for u guys

6:32 AM
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

yo ppl! our blog is dead again. fewer ppl tagged now. i suppose its because of our studies and tests that we are having. for 2c ppl who visited this blog, pls tag before leaving.

anyway, we'll be having a math test this fri, which is tested on Algebraic Equations. and ppl, pls look forward to the opening ceremony on this fri as it may be fun.

jia you for the math test!

12:27 AM
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

hello everyone!!! today is the second day of sch and we have literature test.ok everyone,hope that none of us fail and EVRYONE of us can pass with flying colours ok? jiayou ok,and remember to hand in all your hw to the respective reps or marks may be deducted by the respective teachers.
anyway,yesterday was Melinda's birthday. happy belated birthday melinda!! =D

12:22 AM
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Friday, March 17, 2006

hellos people. ((:
hols are drawing to close again.. done your hw? anw, i hope you have enjoyed the hols. and before i end..
okay, gtgs now.
byes, cya on monday! (:

1:49 AM
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Thursday, March 16, 2006

hey everybody!Rawk on sia!hols coming to an end leh,havent done any hw......Anyhow,enjoy the last of the march hols!I seem super extraretarded by posting this but who cares anyway...

P.S:I likes candy.

5:04 AM
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

hey happy holidays people! rmb to do your hw k.hahaha i also havent started on any yet >.< anw whoever who wants the DHS X'PLORE video just pass me or maureen a blank cd with your name written on it and we'll burn a copy for you :) rock on peeps =DD


1:54 AM
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Sunday, March 12, 2006

hello people!!! after working hard for the last few weeks, the holz have finally come! woohoo! now all of us can finally sit down and rest..enjoy your holz everyone, because after this week we'll be stressing again,with literature tests and etc...
while playing hard,we have to work hard as well..don't forget about all our homework okay?? jiayou with all your homework!

12:33 AM
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Friday, March 10, 2006

hey there everyone!yoohoo! the hols are here! let's all play hard and work hard!haha. i sound so boorish.
anyway, hwee hwee, jia qian and i are thinking of playing the angel and mortal game in class. we dunno if you guys would like to.i think we will touch on that more when we get back to school.so there's the hols for you to ponder over it.anyway, just ENJOY your hols alright? :)

10:05 PM
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

BLOG BLOG BLOG PLS PEOPLE.I take it that you all study for tests no time blog (play games right?-.-) After test you all better blog more leh. Jiayous for the tests.

5:34 AM
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Sunday, March 05, 2006

HELLO EVERYONE (((: hmmm. okayy. THREE more tests to go. JIAYOU ((x oh wells. seewei, yuhding : jiayou for your x-country next week. badminton players : jiayou for tml's game. take care guys. cya tml ((:

5:39 AM
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Friday, March 03, 2006

hello! qh here again.yay at least im not the only one blogging. how was the chinese test today? whether u did badly or what..its over already so no point thinking of it. jiayou for the history and science and maths this coming week. after these tests its time for PARTYYY!!hahaha anyway happy advanced bday to veron,jiaqian,jolynn and melinda! hahaha happy bday!

7:25 AM
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Thursday, March 02, 2006

yo people. the not-as-crazy-as-veron seewei is here!!lol.lets try to think of a more succesful class gathering this time haha.
i think we can have barbeque at somebody's house, go east coast park, watch pink panther or other movies, (my brother told me its rather nice and funny) etc. and everyone. pls try to go!!u guys can give us some ideas on where to go. we're running out of ideas.our previous ones are a little pathetic.so i hope this time we can have more ppl going.its gonna be fun!!

and, good luck to everyone for the chi test tml. (:

7:00 AM
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

aiyoh after what maureen wrote on the board on the request of user and pw for this blog..no one came and ask.aiyo. blog lah people.or it'll be dead like last year.hahaha welcome mrs kang if you're here already :)

good luck to all for the du xie tmr and the chinese test on friday!lets all not fail the test on friday! and jiayou for all spring tests mrhia is giving for these few days.jiayou!2 more weeks to hols! hahaha

qh aka AH

6:09 AM
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