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Monday, June 19, 2006

ok. since many of you don't know where the bowling alley is, including me, the nice and considerate see wei has decided to change the meeting place to macs. so..see you guys there.

(if possible, tell me whether u'll be going)

10:34 PM
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Monday, June 12, 2006

hello people.
seewei here.as qh has said, we have organised a class outing!!although it might be a little late, but it doesn't matter.the main thing is to have fun!! wheee.lol.okay anyway we have decided to go to east coast park to bowl, cycle and play vball.YAY!!no bbq ths time as we thought Bok Bei Qin is too troublesome.hah.jkjk.so..its on 21 june.wednesday.meet at 12 in the afternoon at the bowling alley.i guess its somewhere near the macs.im not very sure.=p so.. yah..see u guys there.

oh yah.another thing.some of our classmates here dont check out the class blog very often(me too.=p) so..if possible, those who read can try to tell the others.thanks

8:35 PM
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Sunday, June 11, 2006

class tee! :D

anyway uh there's a class gathering on the 21june2oo6,wednesday.the last wednesday before school reopens.eh seewei and i (partly rachel) were thinking of going to ecp there and play! actually we wanted bbq but realised that we dont have much time to organise and book and stuff.yeah so we go ecp(fyi for the swa kus ecp is not the highway -.- its EAST COAST PARK) and play and go bowling and cycling and whatever la! uh yeah.the time and venue not so sure yet.maybe i'll get seewei to post here too! hope most of you guys can come! :D not like the previous so-called class gatherings.uh if last minute cancel then sorry ah.ok i'll get seewei to post the details here.

8:36 AM
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Saturday, June 10, 2006

hello people! do yall want a class tee? we are thinking of that because we may have a lot of class events and activities coming up in the later part of the year, and we may be the only class without one.some of the people are thinking of class jerseys. like those kind like 2e and 2b. then we'll have our nicks and numbers at the back of the jersey. we want jerseys because it doesn't require any designs at all, since we dont have time to design. and heard from veron that last time the design was not accepted by mrs kang. so jersey is more convenient.we 're also thinking of making the jersey yam purple , the colour that yall had voted last year,with a few stripes down at the side. so anybody do not want any class tees at all? its alright if yall do not want any. or anyone has any suggestions or violent objections? anw, pls voice out ur opinions and we'll settle this when school reopens=)


4:41 AM
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Friday, June 09, 2006

hello.eh those of you who accepted the invitation right, if u wanna be admin den i invite you all :D

11:05 PM
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Monday, June 05, 2006

hello pple! hahaha. im currently feeling super high now cos my blogger is finally working right! :) heh. (hmm. actually i posted one post before this but den i had some problems copying and pasting and so this is a little different from wad i posted originally. oh wells. nvm :))

anw. hols are here. miss all the cushkians le. waiting for a class gathering! :) its gona be havoc! muahaha.

we're gonna be a bunch of insanofreaks! :)

yups. anw. good luck to all cushkians for ur hw! jiayou jiayou! :) dun slack. pia finish everything den can slack like crap! muahaha X) heh. andd.. suggestions for this blog. think we shud change skin leh. this one very boring. colours are indeed contrasting. but like. very plain. and we're not plain pple. nopes. we're the extraordinary! =D YAY!

hahaha. ok. that's all! see ya folks :) -rach

7:47 AM
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hello people! i've sent invitations to you all to join this blog so that you all can have your own accounts and blog!ohya.i saw kiahin's msn nick and realised its hwee2's birthday today! sorry ah.i didnt know.anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY HWEE2!

and to add to hwee2's LONG list of homework, our dear ms siti says to go to asknlearn web and get the notes on ELECTRICITY.we miss ms siti! ahaha ok anyway enjoy your holidays! click on the link before the word "web". -.-

-qh :D

4:06 AM
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Sunday, June 04, 2006

HELLO=)) these are our holiday homework:
- book review and poster
- 2 journal entries frm mrs kang

-workbk chapter 9&10
- read sci chapters 9&10

- exam paper 2000
-exam paper 1999
-exam paper 1994
-worksheet on elementary algebra
-another wksht on algebra

- book review
-cheng yu chao xie 151-200
- jian bao(summary and reflections)
-chinese wksht on ke wen

-2 newspaper articles(1 must have reflections and summary)

-character analysis on the wksht on animal farm

-mindmap on our pencil holder

yeps, i think that's about all for our holiday homework. Happy Holidays! anw, who finish homework already?!


11:37 PM
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