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Tuesday, August 29, 2006


hahaha so its our dear chairperson's birthday today! and isnt today a great day? we sang bday song for her SO SO SO many times. hahaha anyway the chairperson's job isnt easy ok! so try not to make things difficult for yuleng when she's trying to get the class to discuss some stuffs. the announcements made everyday most of the time concerns the chairperson. yay anyway happy birthday yuleng again! 2C LOVES YOU!! whoooo <3 hahah

good luck to all for the chinese test tomorrow! mu mu lao shi XD study hard and do well! then we shall celebrate for our DEAR teachers on thursday!


3:51 AM
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Saturday, August 26, 2006

hahaha teachers' day coming! so lets try not to make mrs kang angry everyday ok? hahaha lets prove to her that 2C rocks and we're lovable! LOL anyway jiayou for chinese test! and study hard for eoys! ok im the third person to say this but yah..at least got blog right. lol this is a crappy post.hahaha have fun for lit roleplay! :D


6:06 AM
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Friday, August 25, 2006

Yay the tests this week are finally all over!!!

Arent you all happy? =/

Hope everyone has done well for the tests, lol but I'm not too sure of that for myself....haha...Anw it's been a busy week and I guess everyone's tired. Even though I am, I still came here to blog cause I thought its rather dead haha....

Right...so let's continue to work hard and work towards each of our goals...especially our eoys...maur is right...its coming real soon haha. Holidays too though, so we can enjoy a week's break....hahaha...

So mug hard everyone! Also, dont forget to take breaks sometimes =D


5:30 AM
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

YO! It's dah SEXAYE MAUR in da house!



Anyway, how was the three tests we took these two days?

Wasn't too bad I guess. Anyway, mug hard for the EOYs!

I really don't wish to remind you guys, but the EOYs are coming.

And I really don't feel like studying now.


Ya, I know this is a crappy post. But at least it's better than nothing right!?

Otherwise, you come and blog lah! Only yd blog. so sian.

And THUS! I'm here to save the blog from the evil mojo yuhding!


2:37 AM
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Saturday, August 19, 2006

200806 once again the prokia is here to save the world class.LOL guys jus a short reminder to study real hard[: cos it's gonna be end of the term and i think ya guys wanna have some fun during hols barh.so yes we work hard togther as a class.

and yes how time flies.it's gonna be 2 years since we have been together.and yes soon it will be separation tyme.everyone's gonna go on their own journeys.journeys which will lead them where they wanna be.but im sure, we gonna have a class gathering annually.and yes make new friends, but dun forget the old ones(X lalalala.

i shall stop being so wordy and yes goodbye[:


6:56 PM
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Monday, August 14, 2006

Hmm, people. I've been thinking of a class gathering. Most probably, us THE ZEES would be organising it. But still, I want to ask you all what kind of gathering would you guys like? The best SMS me lah, 'cos most people don't read the blog, unfortunately.


So yeas, pass on the message alright? I think I will be asking in a few days' time.

Okay anyway, would you all like a chalet? Or just a BBQ pit? Chalet is expensive but can stay over and have FUNNN! But I would like to know how many people can stay over and would like to. BBQ is just by the beach like that only lor.

Ohya. And also right, we can't have it anytime soon as the next holiday will be the Sep Hols and I guess everyone will be busy mugging, yeas? So it'll be out. And we can only organise it after EOYs. If can right, tell me when you all want it. (:

Also arh! SMS me that time hor, must write your name hor! 'cos I don't think I got everyone's contact ever since I lost my phone book. =/


I know everyone's gna lurbbzxz me deep deep WORXZ!


10:25 AM
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Saturday, August 12, 2006

ok this is our mascot! :D


6:21 AM
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Friday, August 11, 2006

harloharlo(: 120806

haha hello people((: and yes we have a geog test next week(: so please kindly study real hard and ace together as a class(:
and guys maybe we shd work real hard to keep the class clean.we cant expect yuleng and jessica to maintain the cleanliness.firstly i feel it's quite unfair and yeah secondly, we have a part in the class.so please guys.take the initiative and it would be a wonder if u see the results(:
so yays have a happy weekend(: and lets prove to mrs kang and most importantly ourseleves that we take pride in our classroom(:


8:12 PM
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006


so its our dear country singapore's birthday today! happy national day to everyone! hope you guys have fun today! go enjoy the fireworks :D and if you're going for the ndp, go scream your lungs out and show your patriotism for singapore! HAHA so the english test is over, now geog and chinese test.study hard! jiayou ah.lol

and many thanks to yuhding who was our mascot yesterday! will post his funny funny picture with his gigantic leaf here later :D then you all can laugh at him! hahaha

happy national day again!


8:53 PM
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no more english test! wad else can u hope for.yiiiiiiiipppppppppppe! hahaha LOL im siao siao-.= i mean imagine having a test for the celebration larhs.how mood destroying can it be?!

HAHA and yeah bruddars, we currently have one chinese test dis friday): and u will be tested on chang wen suo duan and the gong han! and geog test shd be the following week if im not wrong.

so yeah study study now! thou its spore's bday): we have around 12 chaps for geog and study early(: keke yeah thats all!

anyone interested to ball after school on friday?


12:17 AM
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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

020806 ding(:

BOO rendel constitution, UMNO, the Alliance, racial riots, unemployment, labour front, PAP,david marshall. man bet yall studying for the upcoming history test(: well thou it's important to study study study mug mug mug, i mus stress the importance of looking far whenever 30 mins of studying.it would be most ideal if you look at green stuffs(: if not ya get myopia.KIDDING LARH.jus wanna say have enough rest and dun be like me in class.zZzZzZzZ! haha green stuffs remind me of the geography lesson we had today(: i thought it was rather useful and captivating and it's my first time NOT sleeping during geog period(:

not to forget chinese test too! and the 50 chengyus which will definitely come out for the test.man u can murder me now! kidding(: yeah thats all! takkaire people! rest well&study cleverly! if u need any help, can greatly approach any cushkians.afterall we are one big family(: let us prove mrs wong we can do much more than crap joke around.oops if mrs kang u happen to see this, i deeply regret.i jus realised we cant use the word c***! and furthermore i already striked out the word cra*. hehe((:

<3 ding

1:35 AM
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