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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

ahahahah this time all the pictures are really really candid.

yuhding at the go-kart

rachel at the go-kart

youri at the go-kart

maureen at the go-kart


shaun and nicole haha

ashley and tsun leung

haha is qy talking on the phone? lol

haha ok these are the go-kart photos. have somemore. all photos uploaded already! go www.kabooom.shutterfly.com there are 2 videos also. haha i think i put here another day la.

12:56 AM
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

hell-o people!

i guess today's so-called class outing was quite a failure la. hahahaha only 15 people go. lol but we all had fun! so the people who went today were:
-tsun leung
and me!

haha escape was quite boring but who cares right. we enjoyed screaming for fun and yah. lol im uploading the pictures now so just check www.kabooom.shutterfly.com for the pictures! should be done by tomorrow :D

next class outing coming up! movie i guess. hope more of you guys can come!


5:47 AM
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Thursday, November 23, 2006

ok btw the fee for admission ticket for escape is only 6 bucks! cheap la. go go go :D

7:05 AM
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

i realised that i forgot to post where and what time to meet. LOL


5:59 AM
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

hey people.

class outing next tuesday 28 nov! at escape theme park hor. since escape cheated our feelings during our chalet, and we would love to relive the days of our first class outing in sec 1, so we decided to go escape! uh yaaaa hope most of you can go la. so far the people confirm cannot go is kiahin, liyang, audrey, xingqi, tsun leung and yuhding. haha for yuhding we think he wont be back by then. for the rest they're enjoying their holiday overseas now. and xingqi say he got a lot of meetings -.- lol ok. so hope you all can go hor!


12:34 AM
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Thursday, November 16, 2006

ok not to dampen the holiday mood, but this is the holiday hw list. as requested by maureen and ah wei.

anyway i think all of you would know this,

cause she decided that she cant bear to leave us! the most wonderful class! hahahah arent all of you proud to be able to let maureen stay in dunman high? whooooooo

then she thought she dont need to do the holiday hw, now she staying so must do right.

-copy 201-250 chengyus
-2 jian baos. i think the gan xiang is 300 words if im not wrong. then still got what nei rong da gang. dunno how many words lah. check the previous jian baos?
-some shitty book review on "WHO DIDNT GIVE THE GOD A HOLIDAY?" -.- okay fine. some gei shang di fang de jia book. haha its a really boring book but still must do book review. nei rong da gang and gan xiang as well. haha i think gan xiang is 300 words again.

aiya whoever who knows the number of words for nei rong da gang and gan xiang just post here ok. we'll be super thankful for that.

and terry the gay has requested for another bowling outing. so we'll probably be organising another bowling outing. those interested tag at the tagboard lor. lol

enjoy your holidays? whatever.


7:39 PM
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006


so far no girls have claimed their towels from me. LOL should be the people who went for work lah. wash already! now they're clean and they smell good.

ok and just to let you guys know, there'll be more outings coming up! escape, movie, etc etc. will give you guys the details when its confirmed.

enjoy the holidays! but they seem very long.


7:29 AM
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Monday, November 13, 2006

Create Your Own!

cherish those memories(: the legacy of 2C'06 shall continue. as the saying goes" the fish is dead but the spirit is alive"

yours truly,
the crappiest ding

5:52 AM
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3:04 AM
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Saturday, November 11, 2006

heyyo guys:D

heartening to see that u guys really enjoyed the chalet so much and after what qianhui told me ytd, i was really really impressed.there were no cliqueing,more than 20plus people could actually stay overnight and gay and fool around(: impressive isn't it, lets give ourselves a big big big hand!

anyways,we will going to have a bowling session next weds at marina.HAHA we know marina is boring, but with all the 2Cushkians around, it would definitely be a fun filled event.i will confirm the time with you guys.so be sure to check the update of our class blog:D

haha final words- dun be sad.weve still gottta see each other next year.we probably sit together and enjoy our recesses together.we will have a games day fortnightly and we play and play together:D i know it wont be my wishful thinking, so everybody, lets think positive.

promise ah? we'll gonna do all these things together next year.

yours truly,
the ever crappy DING(:

7:43 PM
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hey people! ok this is more for the girls. but i have some unwanted towels at my house. most probably those who left the chalet early for work. and its washed already. so come and claim from me ok!


7:26 AM
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Friday, November 10, 2006

hahaha if u cannot view the pictures here. click on the gigantic PLAY button in the middle of the video. then it'll relink u to the youtube website. watch there! ENJOY THE VIDEOS!

10:37 PM
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our mini performance by veron,seewei and ashley! prepare to ROFL

jiaqian and hei mo!

ashley and his I HAD A VISION!

hwee2! you raise me up!


shaun and his NI NI NI!

xingqi mr bimbo!

shaun and his BIG present! lol i think the rest of you not jealous right! since inside was all rubbish LOL

xingqi and his batman returns joke!



terry the gay with his gay TAOO YANZZXXZ

ok the videos! enjoy!



9:47 PM
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alll pictures uploaded!!! and videos at youtube. or my blog. go see okay! and revive the memories. they are damn funny.



9:31 PM
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Thursday, November 09, 2006


oh gosh i bet so many of you are probably sleeping in ur comfortable beds now and dozing off into slumberland:D haha but uve gotta admit, sleeping and squeezing together was indeed a wonderful experience:D

so class chalet's over, and that probably was the finest bestest greatest sehhest class chalet ive ever had.i guess now everybody's feeling sians, sad, depressed or whatever.but rlly, dun be so sad, we'll stil get to see each other in school next year, and we obviously will rmb each other for their trademark actions.

im turning to blogging now instead of computer games and whatsoever.probably because everything else seems to fade away when our class spirit is shining ever so brightly.we'll have lesser time for one another next year, but we'll make sure nobody will be forgotten.

hehe december class gathering will be planned soon, and hope to see you guys there.

not bonded by physical means, but bonded in a way that 37 hearts beat as one.

yours truly,
the sehhest ding ever(:

8:22 PM
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ok now its the 2C award time! haha this is the recipient list in order.

1. Most eye-rolling award- JOANNA
2. Bangla award- ALVIN
3. Mr what's-your-problem - JAMES
4. Miss pinky sperm - AUDREY
5. The builder cum what-what-what award! - who else but BOK BEI QIN!
6. Greatest contribution cum most responsible cum long service award - our beloved YU LENG
7. Most seh hair cum sing out of tune award - YANG HUA
8. Most energetic award - OPHILIA
9. Mr Good Morning - JUN HAO
10. Puppy face award - QIN YING
11. Best fashion sense award - MELINDA
12. Most zhu tou award - JESSICA
13. Mr rub nose - YUHDING
14. Mr i-had-a-vision - ASHLEY
15. Nipple rash award - NICOLE
16. Baker of the class - MELODY or mai lo ti!
17. Most super strong+super angry= super pain award - KIA HIN
18. The most "YAY" award cum mr horny cum great knowledge award cum sharks are awesome award - SI CHUN
19. Ms moustache. hayhay! - JOLYNN!
21. Most money face cum dancing queen award - JIA QIAN
22. Best singer award - LI YANG
23. You Raise Me Up award - HWEE2
24. James' girlfriend award - YUJIE
25. Ms yoohoo! - VERON
26. Most QH award -.- - TSUN LEUNG
27. Mr seh cum XIE XIE award - YOURI
28. Miss captain planet - SEEWEI
29. The feeler award- RACHEL
30. Musclewoman award - CHU LEI
31. Most yin shui si yuan award - SHERMAINE
32. Most popular angel award - QIANHUI
33. Most love to ZL award (zi lian) - MAUREEN
34. Best swimmer cum NI-NI-NI award - SHAUN
35. Mr bimbo - XINGQI
36. Most hardworking award- LIN YUN
37. Most Fei Yu Qing - KAI WEN

yay edited.


8:01 PM
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

HELLO AGAIN! and tonight its veron,maur and qh! we just sent seewei to her mum.


today most of the girls went to wild wild wet! then we play and play and play and play and play.

our 4 large pizzas, which were obviously not enough for all of us, disappeared within a minute! hahahah so we bought cup noodles for supper later!

tonight's the last night here! next class gathering! movie or escape or whatever. hope you guys enjoyed the "award" thingy. will post them here another day! hahahaha veron keeps saying hahahahaha :D

yay later its movie time! better get back! bye people!

veron,maur and qh.

6:52 AM
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

hello!we're using the free but lousy comp at aranda now.no mouse.so tab tab tab tab all the way.

we just bought the milo from the cheers store. see we're so nice till thinking of blogging for the class. we just gambled and gambled and gambled until qh lost a lot a lot of money.

11 bucks leh!!

ok bye we're going back to the chalet now. bbq later. 120 chicken wings. WOWWWWWW.

LOVEEEEEEE, qianhui and maur

1:50 AM
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Sunday, November 05, 2006

the videos are:
there's still two more videos but its too big, so can't load. want it then look for me! (:

3:29 PM
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hello. (: my first time blogging here. and to tell your good news. (yay)
i uploaded pictures le. dunno where the videos go though. i very noob.
its the pictures at sentosa. later then uploading the pictures on the last day of school.
cya ppl at class chalet! (:

5:57 AM
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Saturday, November 04, 2006

for money right, i think bring..$50?! LOL i not very sure leh. order pizza, arcade, escape ($6), maybe wild wild wet, bowling etc etc etc! so bring more money ok!

eh you all meet at pasir ris mrt la. then all of u go there together but im going straight to aranda cause i have like a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of things to bring. the bbq food, etc etc etc. like moving house liddat. haha so you all meet at pasir ris mrt at...2.30? i think should be ok.


6:38 AM
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Friday, November 03, 2006


the pictures.

6:00 PM
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Thursday, November 02, 2006

hell-o! enjoying your holidays? i'm not. without all of you guys. hahahahah


7-9 nov. all of you know this :D

-extra clothes. whether you staying over or not cause i reckon we'll get wet or dirty or whatever. then if you staying over, YAY :D
-chips? if u have, just bring lah
-MONEY. super important. $$$
-vball, soccer ball, whatever balls. LOL
-dvds/vcds. ghost movies, comedies, etc etc etc. we can watch them in the middle of the night!
-cameraaaa :D
-sleeping bag?
-rollerblades? we can go blading/cycling whatever whatever whatever.

aiya i cant think of other stuffs to bring already. if you guys think any other things that'll add on to the fun or whatever, just bring XD

and for where to meet, do you all prefer to meet in pasir ris interchange then we take bus/walk to aranda? 1 bus stop away. or you guys wanna meet at the aranda reception? reply asap at tagboard or whatsoever lah. we'll check in at 3pm. if we're meeting at pasir ris interchange we can meet at 2.30? then if meeting at aranda reception 2.45 lor.

we have FREEEE usage of the ktv room and american pool facilities. so all the fei yu qing-s, sun yan zi-s, pavarotti etc etc can go there and sing and sing and sing!

hope most of you guys can stay over lah. hahahah on monday night sleep early hor! cause i reckon for the 2 nights we'll play and play and play and play and maybe sleep for awhile or so.

for the rooming, girls 1 room, guys 1 room. nyeh nyeh fair and square! living room also can la. the living room so big.

for more info, go http://www.arandaclub.org.sg/suite.html


5:37 PM
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