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Sunday, December 31, 2006

HAPPY NEW YEAR! it's 2007 now!

yuhding's right. haha let's all enjoy 2007 together!

our new year resolution is:
lets not drift apart! class chalets! class outings! update this blog often! share your joy with everyone!

happy new year! new year ahead. new things. new friends. let's keep the old and best buddies and cherish them eh? will miss 2C'o6 a lot next year!

8:51 AM
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hmms harlo people[:

it's new year eve which means the new year's gonna come in around 5 hours time.significant aint it? it means we have known each other for 3years.it's like omg 3 years.but seems that time passes fast yeah?

and this gonna be the first year we're not gonna be in the same classroom anymore.no more shaun's lame jokes.ashley's retarded speeches.youri's daoness.maur's bhbness.kh and chulei ganging up on shaun.and so so much more.

not gonna continue lest everyone turns emo and sad.

but think on the bright side, we gonna make much more friends yeah? we cant possibly sticking with everyone everytime.hmms and we know that this 2 years old of bond and friendship will last for life.i mean whenever we see each other next year, we'll jus most probably talk, and in our minds we will get reminded of the past memories we spent together and consoled by the fact that,we still remember one another by our trademarks and stuffs.

so cheerups guys[:
more class gats will be planned so have no fear.
and my new year wish for our class will be...
to get closer and more bonded


2:00 AM
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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

merry belated boxing christmas day!

anyway VERON BLOGGED. HEADLINES IS VERON BLOGGED HERE! maybe it's because shaun blogged right!

eh i just reached home half an hour ago? and i came here to blog!

the deathnote outing's confirmed la. then i go book later since its 1.47am now.


9:46 AM
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Saturday, December 23, 2006


and a happy new year!

we shall go out on 28 dec okok? watch death note 2, the last name. yay yay.

ok. here's a wishlist for dhs2C'o6:

here's a wish list for two cee. pls grant them all:

*stay united forever and ever.
*frens forever.
*score perfect scores.
*go out often.
*go watch death note 2, the last name.
*2oo7 class chalet.
*lao kang will stay SLIM and PLASMA. :):)
*lao hia won be so guo fen.
*mrs tang stay DOHKAY.
*mummy wong keeps her hair permed and continue rattling fast.

dhs two cee oh six.

P.S. we will send food for your reindeer. :)

ok.ten liao. cannot greedy. hahahah.
and wish bok and terence happy birthday.


-verawn! loves you guys! :)

6:03 AM
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guess whose back...back again...
zrostin's back...tel ur friens!! hahas

okok now the real thing.. i dun come here for fun de.. actually i bored den come here lol
anyways jus wanted to wish terence AKA terry (gay) & bei qin AKA bok(face) a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

start with terry first cos his bday come first... his bday on 28 dec


  • every single shit he does and every single thing he say, even his face all like gay worxxzzs
  • super talented with music stuff... o2jam oso very pro, actually any coordination game all he own one lah
  • super good frien... at least he is RELIABLE
  • super pro in dota oso... he my dota idol
  • i would like to stress tt he is RELIABLE and dun PANGSEH 2c in times of need for some (insert how u wanna scold her here)

ok now going to continue with bei qin.. his bday on 30 dec

Bei Qin

  • ok first things first i am super lucky he din born 2 days later or i would have died at the age of 12 in the hands of Chu Lei and Kia Hin
  • oso can say talented in music.. can play the drum really well
  • started playing dota at about the same time as me, but have to say he is really alot better den me
  • super good frien oso, nvr LEAVE ppl alone to DIE

er thats about all... oh and ya MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

hope all ur wishes come true?! blah blah blah

most importantly wish u all a good year ahead and dun forget each other


5:56 AM
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Thursday, December 21, 2006

yeah guess i'm updating all the blogs under my dashboard now[:

and i think tsun leong is overseas,again! or is he meeting qianhui at hongkong.hmms that will be the question-of-the-day. ponder over it people.

argh, where has maureen go to? i had some reliable information that she's back, kicking and alive, from meeting qinshihuang in china and building the great wall of china. or perhaps she doesn wanna face the world, cos she mentioned on her blog that she jus had a haircut in china, and she looks like a ball now! guess she's an oddball though. come back people, stop mia-ing.

sooooooo people, do continue to liven up the atmosphere in the tagboard, and though we aint christians, guess we shall thank jesus christ.without him there wouldn be xmas and without xmas there wouldn be a holiday.

holidays gonna end soon.
cherish the time people.

2:36 AM
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Monday, December 18, 2006

hello people its yuhding down here[:

sorry for not updating on our class blog and hence the responsibility of updating has been pushed to qh the great[: AHAHA im here to share the burden with her liaos[: and qh is officially now on her way to hongkong[: u can sms her and tell her what you wan from hongkong man.

and qh u btr not bring back the air from hongkong, if not we wouldn wanna go near you anymore.

and yeah who's interested to go watch deathnote 2 please hurry confirm yea, once qh comes back most probably she will be booking for the tickets.so please do hurry tag on tagboard yeah.

and maur's back from china i think.

so a gentle reminder to finish all your homework. haha i know this reminder isn't gentle at all.haha did the sky crush down on you? okays den have no fear this blog wont be dead,for now...

and have you guys been back to mount sinai?
i bet you all will love it mans*sneaky grin*

8:39 PM
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Thursday, December 14, 2006

hello again -.- like every post also i post one -.-

anyway the christmas party right. WE JUST NEED A VENUE NOW. the other details are super easy. we can have it on any day actually, since any day in december is counted as christmas season. and we go to that whatever-place, and just party and play and sing christmas carols? LOL yeah and of course, gift exchange. the gift exchange will be like. there's a budget of course. then u buy something within that budget. then we'll collect the presents and put it in a big big bag, then u lucky draw see what present u get la. ok? SO WE JUST NEED A VENUE. after the 25 dec also can actually haha. if its after the 26 dec, then i guess my house would be ok la. and most of the zees are M.I.A. rmb our "punishment" from mrs kang was to organise class events? nah we dont treat it as punishment. its fun and joy. so yeah suggestions suggestions! before xmas or after xmas. just say a date la.

6:12 AM
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

movie outing! death note 2! right before school reopens :/ and :D. :D for the movie.

so faster faster tell me if u can go. go on the premiere? we faster confirm the no of people going then i can faster book tickets online. ok? so tell me asap hor. btw i'll be away from 19-26 dec so if u sms me and i dont reply means i overseas hor. aiya i'll see your msg one la. except i cannot reply cos very expensive. hehe



5:41 AM
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Monday, December 04, 2006

hell-o! ashley says he gonna blog here later. yuhding also. hahahahah

anywayyyyy there MIGHT be a christmas party!! tentative only ok! not confirmed yet but will try and plan la. but we need someone's house. or whoever who lives in a condo then got function room we also can use that function room. okay okay whoever's house is available then just tell me or maureen or tag at the class blog! cannot come my house cause i'll be overseas. ya ya ya and there'll be a gift exchange if we have this xmas party. so it'll be on the 24th or 25th? if 24th then at night can do countdown. haiya both days also can la.

oh and class outing at ecp? maybe on 11th december? suggestions suggestions!

qianhui :D

2:46 AM
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Friday, December 01, 2006

okay here are the videos as promised! credits to nicole our photographer! and my camera. be prepared to get giddy! LOL

us on the viking! scream scream scream~~


enjoy! any suggestions for next class outing? nicole is desperate for one! haha tag at the tagboard hor

12:39 AM
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