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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

okays suddenly im struck with this awesome idea.

what's valentines for people?
to show the person u care and love for them.


shall we jus get roses for mrs kang?
hmms i feel like giving i dunno why.
but if i give alone seems weird leh.
consider this...

and people dun be so stressed up with life.
it isn all bout studying okays[:
so cheeeeeeeeerup people
our dinner will come soon!
and we will rock the house

anyways im yuhding the great.

7:38 AM
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Sunday, January 28, 2007


okay everyone. ophi here. anyway.. just to let you guys know that the max amount you guys gona pay for the steamboat is 20. shouldnt be more than 20. checked the prices today. it's at bugis hor! please tell me which day you guys can't make it. 2-17th feb. please sms me at 92281561 k! and those confirm can go one please tag(:. you guys wanna ask mrs kang mrs wong and all not. if want i go ask them. if you guys dowan steamboat.. let me know :D take care everyone!

5:22 AM
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i think this is going to be a louszzzaye year:hweehwee.

yupps. i think so too. this is the year of the big fat pig and thats bad. cos the wolf is going to blow the house down by the hair on his chinny chin chin and eat the pig up. so its bad. *snorts*


jessica and james are damn pro. make ppl become ham1 bao1. haiz... every nanonanonanonanonanonanometre=the joy and everything that we shared together as a class. :):):)

moreover its a no-2C year,no limegreen classroom,no toilet,no kangkang, no mummy wong, no mumulaoshi, no bokkie, no james, no yuhding, no ashley, no zees!, no anything... wahteva larh.
got scoldings from numerous teachers and blah blah. so it isnt a good year to start with.

must go cny reunion dinner horh! :):):) seewei say maybe eat the marina bay steamboat. but dunno when cos always sure a lot of ppl. then no space. think eat on cny eve the eve the eve the eve the eve will be good. but i dunno when is that?! then we can loh hay, can take angpao from kangkang, can gamble, can mahjong... and lets go qian qian's hse to bai nian. whoo hoo. :P

2C rawks.i miss 2C oh SIX. many many.
one spirit, one soul, one dead fishy.

1:12 AM
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suddenly feel so emo after reading the previous post.
so i shall blog,
seriously really really REALLY miss 2c alot alot.
kinda sad now,kinda in pain.sec 3 life isn't as fun as i thought it would be.the class is not as cool as 2c used to be.but the stress we are undergoing is more than enough.
i missed those times when we played together,eat together,tease each other and kang kang.no stress,no sadness,but just smiles,just like a family.but now,what is the use.we are like seperated into many diff parts.
cannot see each other during recess,lunch or cca.cannot talk online evryday anymore.
maybe this is the punish of not cherishing evry one.maybe.
we were once like a family and i believed we still are.
37 ppl bonded together+fate+class+teachers+smiles+happiness-stress-quarrels=2ceeeeee

love you guys loads and loads and loads and loadsX infinity

12:54 AM
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Friday, January 26, 2007





所谓“差之毫厘,谬以千里” 如果没有你们这些莫逆之交彩色我的世界,我的世界一定会黯淡许多。






this whole thing is copied from chiu hsin yao's blog ok. http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sagittarcher

we should visit that blog everyday!


8:01 PM
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this post is what jessica and james dedicated to the class. and these 2 posts are super touching. prepare tissues!
chiu hsin yao the zhu tou's - :


今天,我又开启我的电脑, 又一次地, 一张张地翻阅过我们的回忆, 翻阅过我们一张张灿烂的笑脸…
我知道, 过去的就过去了, 那是我一辈子永远不可能改变的事, 也是我一辈子最遗憾的事, 可它却会成为我一辈子最怀念的时光…

很多事, 我们都要学会去珍惜, 因为, 我们永远不会知道什么时候是这份缘分的尾声…

听着歌, 看着照片, 写着文章, 我突然有了很深的感触…

常常, 我向周围的人诉说我们班每天的趣事, 我边说, 边笑, 边回忆着…
一切都一笑置之, 可我却没想到它将成为我一生中永不可忘怀的事迹…
我从不知它的可贵, 直到离别的时刻来临…
可那又有什么用呢? 我后悔没更珍惜它, 后悔没将它的一点一滴记录下来, 后悔…太多了…

人们常说, 人一生中最痛苦的事, 最不应该做的事, 就是后悔…
可是哪有说得那么容易啊? 要过一个没有后悔的人生是一件谈何容易的事啊!

后悔没有将2C 的每个脸孔记清楚…

是一个不只可以同欢乐, 更可以共患难的大家庭…

然而相较之下, 这一切的痛苦又显得如此渺小, 无谓…

在我十五岁的岁月里… 我换过无数个班级… 可我却从未像现在一样不舍, 想念它们…

六年级那年, 我毕业的那年, 我以为我六年级的那一班已是我一生中可能遇见的最好的一班了…
回想起来, 奇怪的是, 我离开小学的时候, 一点都不会舍不得, 取而代之的是一种期待, 期待中学的生活, 期待着这一切的到来…

或许你们会觉得这次又是我的错觉, 但让我告诉你们! 这次绝对不是错觉, 因为我从未像这次一样那么了解过我的心…

相信我2C! 在我心里永远都会有你们每一个人的位子! 因为在我心里, 永远不会有任何一班能够取代你们的位子! 因为你们是独一无二的! 我爱你们!

或许你们会觉得, 其实你们并没有跟我那么的好, 我又怎么可能会那么想念你们呢?
但让我告诉你, 我爱2C, 更爱你们每一个人!
因为少了你们任何一个人, 2C 就不再是2C了!
因为就是有你们每一个人, 才有我心中的2C…

或许会有很多人觉得这又是一篇虚假, 夸大事实的文章…
你若说出这句话, 就代表你没有真正体会过一个班团结起来的力量与爱…
也代表你没有遇见我们2C的任何一个人… 否则他们讲的肯定会比我的更加生动, 真实…

我也曾是你们的一分子, 直到我遇见了2C的每一个人…

明年, 我们都将走向我们人生的另一段道路… 一切都将不一样了…
我很舍不得, 不过那又如何呢?

你们可以说我懦弱, 可以说我没胆, 也可以说我没用…
但是我必须要说, 我真得很怕, 很怕明年的到来, 很不想面对这个事实…
我不想离开你们, 不想失去你们…

我毕竟是人, 是人, 那就难免会为情所困…
我害怕等着时间的流逝, 当我们再次在走廊上相遇时, 我们就会宛如陌生人一般的擦肩而过…
可天知道, 我们之间的感情曾是如此的深厚…

或许, 我们不是平行线, 而是两条只有一次交集的线…
一次的交集, 过后便越离越远…

这是我不想看到的, 也是我不愿去相信的…

我毕竟是人, 是人, 就难免会自私…
我害怕等着时间的流逝, 我将从你们的眼中消失…
我害怕当我再次望进你们的眼睛时, 看到的不是我的身影, 而是别人的脸庞…

我很自私! 我希望在你们的眼里永远有我的身影…
因此, 我将会害怕望着你们的眼睛, 害怕我看到的是我最不想承认的事实…

我也害怕, 我将看到的不只是你们对我的冷漠, 而是你们对他人的笑容…
我害怕看到你们和他人谈笑风生, 却忽视我的存在…

很多人跟我讲, 我无需担心那么多, 因为我们的友谊一定会是永恒的…
在我的字典里, ‘永恒’ 这个字, 太遥远了…
因为有太多的人答应了我 ‘永恒’, 可最后, 却连基本的都没做到…

又有更多人跟我说, 亲情是世上最不会变的…
因为它有着血缘的联系… 因为它是永远都不可能被任何东西切断的…

真的, 我真得曾经很努力的去相信, 世上是有 ‘永恒’ 的…
可 ‘永恒’ 终究输给了时间跟距离…

我已经受伤太多次了… 多到我已无法再相信了…
遍体鳞伤的我决定把我的心锁起来… 决定保护我自己… 决定不再相信… 决定不再受伤…

最后, 我终于了解到…

时间… 距离… 你们真的伤我太深了…

但在我内心深处, 我依然希望能有人能证明给我看, ‘永恒’ 不是不可能!
而我希望, 2C, 你们是证明这一切给我看的人!

我知道, 明年大家都会被分到不一样的班, 疏远的发生是不能避免的, 但我依然希望我们能把它的几率降到最低…
我知道我们一定可以做到的, 因为我对2C的每一个人都很有信心!

‘永恒’ 已不遥远了…

then the tags are sweet :D

yuhding: 我能体会你的感受。我们团结的精神,能取代着我们无法在彼此政变的时

ophi: 好感人哦.看吧.你把我们都弄哭了.):

shaun ( the most o.O one cos he teared. LOL): you made me tear like crazy.. dun worry lah hor we will always b the best of frens.. one big family! wo men bu hui shu yuan de!

chulei leilei: omg your post expresses what all of us feel in our heart right now,I bet. And dont worry there would most probably be more outings and stuff, so we can get together again! We can also see each other at school =D. Try to have fun in ur class now too!^^

chiu hsin yao! : 看到了你们大家的留言我真得很感动,为了你们,我愿意再一次相信这世上是有'永恒'的,你们不要让我失望好吗?我知道不管如何,我们的人生都必须走下去,我了解,随着时间的风化,我们的情感可能淡却, 而我们也会有新的朋友...我不要求这些能永恒不变,我只希望几十年后,甚至永远,你们依然会记得在你们的生命中曾经有我的参与...

are u touched? if you are, when u see jessica in school, give her a BIG WARM HUG and thank her. :D spread the love around!


7:53 PM
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Thursday, January 25, 2007

yuhding here[:

this gotta be the 3rd month, ever since 2C officially splited as a class.
i know i shouldn be feeling touchy over it, but i guess some feelings are uncontainable.
after visiting jessica's blog aka our beloved chinese rep, all of a sudden, the class feeling's back.
such a magical and soothing effect, yet at the same time, regretting, for not cherishing one another during this brief 2 years period.

anyways shall post jessica's blog url here so that you guys can go see and tag.alrights? http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sagittarcher&article_id=14806020
really very meaningful.

ive gotta admit,
the feeling of seeing mrs kang or any of our ex-subject teachers at the corridor, somehow leaves me with a gutted and miserable feeling.

gutted for i know i was sucha dumbass not to cherish the wonderful class, miserable because the teachers we were so used to for the past 2 years, just suddenly disappear without any single warning.

and the only way to make up for it, is to smile and greet mrs kang or any teachers enthusiastically when you see them. a small action, be it a wave, a smile, i guess i really do appreciate it.

and yeah fellow classmates, we gonna have a CNY steamboat dinner together alrights.it's sorta confirmed.so do take ur time off from the hetic chinese new year schedule and yeah have a family dinner together[:

8:53 AM
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Friday, January 19, 2007

hihi shaun here!

jus wanted to post about the unbelievable accomplishment made by 2C

Rachel- Vice-chairperson of 3B
Terence- Chairperson of 3C
Ashley- Chairperson of 3D
Yujie- Vice-chairperson of 3D
Shaun!- Chairperson of 3H

hahas 5 ppl in 2C became chair/vice!
unbelievable? believe it...

oh and if you are (mrs kang) reading this.. i would like to say a big THANK YOU to all that you've done... i really appreciate it in a way or another... would really want to be taught by you again

2C'06 will make u proud forever! continue doing what you love doing and produce more leaders!

we will not forget you!!!


4:57 AM
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Saturday, January 13, 2007


i had missed 2C, has missed 2C, missed 2C, is missing 2C, misses 2C, will miss 2C, shall miss 2C, must miss 2C....



cant get use to my class. still trying hard to adapt to the less funny jokes, no-more-yuhding, the no-more freqeunt toilet trips after every period, the cold ice aircon, the container, the quiet hweehwee instead of my crazy seewei beside me..... blah blah blah... and stuffs in sch which are more challenging and brain-squishing. SIENNED. miss those times. wished i have a time machine. :(:(:(

cant even see each other during recess. cos recess times are all DIFFERENT and shorter. and sch life is turning boooooring. sad sad sad.

2C life's much better?

2:01 AM
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Friday, January 12, 2007

hahaha guess who? yeah it's yuhding.

LOL it seems that only me and qh have been blogging rather "regularly" but anyways school life has not been really that fun for me, now that there's no more veronica hilarious laughter, beiqin ah beiqin, terence ah terence, shaun's darn lame and funny jokes.

and i jus rmbred a super long ago joke which made me laugh to myself when i thought of it.hahaha maur the chimpy keeps telling us that she dun shave cos she thinks it's hot.LOL funny uhnot?

and people like veronica, whats with the stressing yourself man.mus go and be a happy gongli! den tuition we will have fun have fun rock mavis down.dun worry la if those guys in ur class bully you again, we will be there for you anytime anywhere always.HAHA and yeah to those who in same class as veronica *hintshints* you btr protect her well.LOL okay i shant hint anymore.yes im referring to you zros.be a man and help out ur classmate.

haha guess thats all.veron dun feel indebted to us.
cos you are part of us!

10:32 PM
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

hello people! i really miss you guys a lot. classes have been very different with all of you. without veron's laughter, all the terence-ah-terence/ beiqin-ah-beiqin jokes. and the mass 2C recesses! we should have them often!!!!!! those with same recesses meet up la. then maybe lunch or after school we meet again. haha hope all of you are enjoying your new classes lah. check this blog often! i'll try to blog as often as possible lah. wahhhhh really miss u all a lot. haha for the past 2 years really enjoyed school life. although we were busy too, we were so happy with each other. even when there were tests, we study together. while studying also can come up with some stupid and funny things. haiya miss all of you lah! haha xD


2:53 AM
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Saturday, January 06, 2007


when the blog's gonna be dead, u can count on me to revive it!hmms school has reopened, everyone having mixed feelings bout it yeah?guess separation is part and parcel of life.

but yeah we still talk, crap when we see one another so i guess things are going pretty good eh.maybe we shall organize one class gathering soon yeah?

HAHA anyways when everyone settled down in mt sinai campus we shall play volleyball together one day after school yeah?

so who wans? jus tagged on the tgboard la...
will find a day to fit everyone's schedule.

gues thats bout it.
anyways this is YUHDING the great

6:44 PM
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school has reopened! how's all your classes?

anyway we saw mrs kang during recess yesterday and we realised that we missed her A LOT.

and shermaine! hope you're enjoying life in vj! dont miss us too much! haha xD

enjoy 2007 :D

1:12 AM
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