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Saturday, March 31, 2007

class blog is kinda getting defunct eh

which is a bad thing cos most probably it will be dead before we all know it

so having adapted to our new lives, new routines, i guess we make new friends too, and occasionally forget those one or 2 old friends.

but still, we were part of a (C)lass, and we still had memorable memories in the greeeeeeeeeeen shelter.

those times when we niaoed mrs kang, those rare occasions when the whole class get punished for not doing homework and get chased out of class.


okays i was jus remembering old times.
anyways, jiayous for maths test everybodddddaye.

those rare moments when shaun loooks so innocent.
im not implying anything!

hahaha james this picture is for you.
you and liyang tsktsk[:

and the one who lead a bunch of monkeys for the year of 2006.

alrights i hope this blog will not be dead!

yours faithfully.

9:58 PM
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Saturday, March 10, 2007

QH i agree miens.

it is sooooo super not march holiday. super duper not. and im bored.

hw. hw. hw. hw and MORRRRE HW!!!!!!

argh. go to hell.


8:34 PM
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Friday, March 09, 2007

hahahaha ok march holidays which doesnt even feel like a holiday are here -.-

with lots of homework, projects, cca blahblahblah i'd rather have normal school days lah! haha and shaun ur class outing so innovative hor. yay lets meet in maple. lol what about the sungei buloh excursion! hahahah everyone waiting for it leh. anyway last time we'll usually post the holiday homework but sadly all of us different classes. anyway enjoy ur holidays -.- which i think most of u guys wont haha.


6:08 AM
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er zros here and wan tel bout the holiday gathering

thinking to go to this funfair thing organise by wizet... the maple company thing... dun have to play maple to go lah and i think super fun... got lotsa shit to play

er in short got
1. tug of war (teams of 5)
2. some soccer thing
3. some basketball thing
4. some big walk thing with luckydraw... actually i wan win the com lol
5. still got other thing like bungee jump or sth but i think is for small kids cos the jumping thing very small

for more detailed explanation and better english go see this web

er if u going rite pls sms/mms/msn/email/normal mail/call hp/call house/video call/bluetooth/infared me ASAP so i can do some stuff

5:44 AM
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Friday, March 02, 2007

hahaha okays u can count on me to revive this blog again:/

so the dreaded week 9 has been over everybody
so lets go woo ah ah ah woo ah ah ah!
HAHAHA time to give yourself a break and yeah, dun worry unduly about the test marks!
cos we know it's not the most important thing in life yeah?
and who knows, if you just hope silently instead of worrying, it would be better aint it!


hahaha get ready to rock and roll cos march's hols is here!
and wanna have a class gathering during march?
so hurry tag on the tagboard people!

and last thing,

only losers doubt themselves

dun every doubt yourself and your ability!

7:57 PM
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